Physical Examination

Elbow Examination

Learn how to perform an elbow exam to assess a patient's elbow health. Follow our step-by-step guide to check for abnormalities and identify potential issues with the elbow joint.

Hand and Wrist Examination

Learn how to perform a hand and wrist exam to assess a patient's hand and wrist health. Follow our step-by-step guide to check for abnormalities and identify potential issues.

Thyroid Examination

Learn how to perform a thyroid exam to check for abnormalities and identify potential thyroid issues. Learn how to assess the gland.

Mini Mental State Examination

The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a commonly used tool to assess cognitive function and identify potential issues with memory and thinking skills.

Abdominal Examination

Learn how to perform an abdominal exam to assess a patient's digestive and abdominal health. Follow our step-by-step guide to check for abnormalities and identify potential issues.